Nalin Vutisal This blog is about data analysis, visualization, machine learning, science, and anything else I find interesting.


I have a background in observational astronomy. My research area is in star formation, which involved analyzing data from large observational surveys by extracting structures from images and finding relationships across multiple surveys. I am interested in using data, statistics, and machine learning to learn new things in different areas.

Please check out the blog posts for examples of my work or check out my Github page.

Example Projects


A python package on implementing the expectation-maximization algorithm to discrete Bayesian network with hidden variables. Bayesnet_em takes in a dataset with a hidden variable and an initialized bayesian network model and returns a complete dataset.


Move Tag Web App

A movie recommendation web application that uses a decision tree algorithm on a dataset of movie tags. Users answer a set of questions on what types of movies they are looking for to get a movie recommendation. A content-based recommendation system then provides suggestions for similar movies. The web application is built using Django and hosted on Heroku.




May 2017 - Contract Astronomy Author @ Macmillan Learning
Jun 2016 - Apr 2017 Client Success Specialist @ Macmillan Learning
2009 - 2015 Research Assistant @ University of Texas at Austin


2011 - 2015 Ph.D. Astronomy University of Texas at Austin
2009 - 2011 M.A. Astronomy University of Texas at Austin
2005 - 2009 B.A. Astrophyiscs Ohio Wesleyan University